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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Basic Bong


-Water Bottle (One that has thin plastic walls)
-Pen (One that will hollow out easily)
-Safety Pin
Instructions to make it

First, hollow out the pen so you can use it as a stem.

Next, choose a place on the water bottle that is about 2 inches up from the bottom where you can insert the stem at a downward angle. Using the lighter, heat up that point of the bottle and then shove the hollowed pen at a downward angle into bottom.The hole might be a little bigger than the pen but that's okay.
Then, take the pen out and using the foil, your going to want to layer it and make a bowl and try to wrap it around the pen to connect it. You can use the safety pen to make a hole in the bowl to make it easier to connect to pen. If this is done, take another foil and wrap it inside the bowl and poke holes with the safety pin to make a screen.
Next, make another hole with a knife for the carb. This hole should not bigger than what you can cover with your finger and should be about the same level hole for the stem. (This way you don't have to remove the stem for a carb)

Finally, fill the bottle up with water and place the stem back into the bottle at a downward angle. Use gum to seal the hole with the stem in it.

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