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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Foil Pipe


-Sheet of foil
-Pen (or object shaped like one)

Instructions to make it

First, take a rectangular sheet of foil that's about the length of the pen and wrap it multiple times around the pen. Make sure it is snug but not too tight as you are going to have to pull the pen out.
Next, pull on the pen and the foil should retain its cylinder shape. You may have to make the bowl peice in the third step before it will retain its shape.

Thirdly, use your index finger or the tip of the pen to widen one of the sides of the foil and bend it upwards so it resembles a bowl. The foil may have to be torn a bit and reshaped depending on how big you want the bowl to be. If you need to tear the foil on the end, get more foil to make the bowl.
Finally, pinched the joint of where the foil is bent so ash doesn't shoot from the bowl and into your mouth. Don't pinch it too hard. Be careful when using it because the foil will get hot if you hold the flame on it for too long.

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