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-How to: Two Chamber Bong (Plastic)
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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bread Bag Gravity Bong


-Knife/Exacto Knife
-Plastic Water/Soda Bottle (Size doesn't matter)
-Safety Pin
Instructions to make it

First, remove the cap of the bottle and cut the bottom off to where there is still about 4 inches left from the mouth piece.
Second, take the bread bag and tape the opening around the bottom of the bottle so that it is air tight. Make sure that this is air tight and secure or you could lose lots of smoke. It would be a good idea to blow into the mouth piece and lightly press on the bag while hold the mouth piece shut to test how air tight it is.
Next, take the foil and mold it into the mouth peice of the bottle so it's pretty snug. You want it to go into the mouth piece just a little. Then poke holes that are close together where it dips into the mouth piece but you don't want to make big holes. (We're going for air tight here, but remember your going to have to remove this at some point) This is going to be your bowl.
Instructions to smoke

First, hold the bottle vertically and push the back into the bottle.

Second, place the tobacco in the bowl.

Then, light the bowl and slowly pull the bag out of the bottle till it is pretty much inflated.

Finally, remove the foil/bowl. Put your mouth on the mouth piece and inhale and push the bag back into the bottle.

Waterfall Bong


-Safety Pin
Instructions to make it

First, take the cap off the water bottle and cut a hole that can be covered entirely by your finger. You want your finger to be snug when covering the hole or else water will leak out.

Next, using the foil, make a bowl that will fit into the mouth piece of the bottle. You may want to layer it so it is stronger. Poke holes with the safety pin so they are centered at the bottom of the bowl.
Instructions to smoke

Take off the foil bowl gently.

Place your finger on the hole snugly and fill the bottle up with water almost to the top.

Place the bowl back in and make sure its snug again.

Light the bowl and let go of the hole. Cover the hole again once all the water is out.

Remove the bowl and put your mouth on the mouth piece.

Remove your finger from the hole and inhale.

Water Gravity Bong


-Small Bucket
-Knife/Exacto Knife
-Safety Pin
Instructions to make it

First, fill the small bucket up with water.

Second, remove the cap of the bottle and cut the bottom off about two inches up from the bottom.
Next, take the foil and mold it into a bowl connected to the mouth piece of the bottle so it's pretty snug. You want it to go into the mouth piece just a little. Then poke holes with the safety pin that are close together where it dips into the mouth piece but you don't want to make big holes. (We're going for air tight here, but remember your going to have to remove this at some point) This is going to be your bowl.
Instructions to smoke

First, place the tobacco in the bowl.

Second, submerge the bottle vertically till it almost reaches the cap.

Then, light the bowl and slowly lift the bottle out of the water till there's about an inch submerged still.

Finally, remove the foil/bowl. Put your mouth on the mouth piece and inhale and push the bottle down.

Basic Bong


-Water Bottle (One that has thin plastic walls)
-Pen (One that will hollow out easily)
-Safety Pin
Instructions to make it

First, hollow out the pen so you can use it as a stem.

Next, choose a place on the water bottle that is about 2 inches up from the bottom where you can insert the stem at a downward angle. Using the lighter, heat up that point of the bottle and then shove the hollowed pen at a downward angle into bottom.The hole might be a little bigger than the pen but that's okay.
Then, take the pen out and using the foil, your going to want to layer it and make a bowl and try to wrap it around the pen to connect it. You can use the safety pen to make a hole in the bowl to make it easier to connect to pen. If this is done, take another foil and wrap it inside the bowl and poke holes with the safety pin to make a screen.
Next, make another hole with a knife for the carb. This hole should not bigger than what you can cover with your finger and should be about the same level hole for the stem. (This way you don't have to remove the stem for a carb)

Finally, fill the bottle up with water and place the stem back into the bottle at a downward angle. Use gum to seal the hole with the stem in it.

Apple Pipe


-Apple that's not too small
-Pen (that can be hollowed out)
-Safety pin

Instructions to make it

First, take the stem off the top and then using the hollow pen, shove it straight down the core where the stem was to about the middle of the apple where the seeds are. The place where the stem was is going to act as the bowl.
Next, at a 90 degree shove the hollow pen into the side of the apple till it connects to the first tunnel.

(Optional) If you wish to have a carb, find a place mid way from the middle and the top of the apple then make another hole connecting to the vertical tunnel. You want to make this close but not too close to where the bowl is going to be.

Then, blow through the mouth piece to clear all the chunks out. You may need to use the hollow pen again to loosen up some of it and blow again.

Take the foil and lay it on top of the apple. Use the hollow pen to push it gently into the place where the bowl is. Then using the safety pen poke holes in the foil where it dips into the pen.

Foil Pipe


-Sheet of foil
-Pen (or object shaped like one)

Instructions to make it

First, take a rectangular sheet of foil that's about the length of the pen and wrap it multiple times around the pen. Make sure it is snug but not too tight as you are going to have to pull the pen out.
Next, pull on the pen and the foil should retain its cylinder shape. You may have to make the bowl peice in the third step before it will retain its shape.

Thirdly, use your index finger or the tip of the pen to widen one of the sides of the foil and bend it upwards so it resembles a bowl. The foil may have to be torn a bit and reshaped depending on how big you want the bowl to be. If you need to tear the foil on the end, get more foil to make the bowl.
Finally, pinched the joint of where the foil is bent so ash doesn't shoot from the bowl and into your mouth. Don't pinch it too hard. Be careful when using it because the foil will get hot if you hold the flame on it for too long.

Soda Can Pipe


-Soda can
-Safety pin

Instructions to make it

First, wash out the can unless you want it to taste like soda. Choose a place where you want the bowl to be on the side of the can near the bottom. Use your thumbs to make an indention at that point till it looks like it has a downward curved surface. Also, note where the opening for the mouth piece is because you want it to be easy to access. I recommend having it directed to the side with the bowl.

Next, using the safety pin poke a bunch of holes at the deepest point of the indention till it looks like a screen almost. Try not to connect any of the holes so that way it is harder for ash to get through.

Then your going to make a carb where you think it would be easy for you to hold somewhere near the bottom of the can. Poke one hole with the safety pen and try to wiggle it around to make the hole bigger then use the pen to make it bigger if necessary. If you hold the can with the mouth piece (lid) towards you and the bowl facing up, I put it on the left side vertically aligned with the bowl.